Hemp is naturally one of the most environmentally friendly fabrics and is also the oldest. (The Columbia History of the World reports that the earliest remnants of human industry have been found in tombs dating back to 8000 BC, pieces of hemp fabric.)

Hemp fiber is one of the strongest and most durable natural textile fibers. Not only is it strong, it also has the lowest percent elongation of any natural fiber. In addition, hemp has the best heat capacity ratio of all fibers, providing superior insulating properties. As a fabric, hemp provides all the warmth and softness of other natural textiles, and even has a superior durability rarely found in other materials. Natural organic hemp fiber 'breathes' and is biodegradable. Mixed with other fibers, hemp easily embodies the desirable qualities of both textiles. Combined with the natural strength of hemp, the soft flexibility of cotton or the smooth texture of silk creates a whole new type of fashion design.

Hemp, a fiber with hundreds of uses, is also used in fabric production. The oldest piece of paper discovered in China, more than 2000 years old, is known to be made from hemp. It is estimated that by 1883 between 75% and 90% of all paper in the world was made from hemp fiber. So Gutenberg's Bible (15th century), Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland (19th century), and pretty much everything between those dates were printed on artisanal hemp paper. Thomas Jefferson wrote the first drafts of the Declaration of Independence on hemp papers produced in the Netherlands. Jefferson grew hemp on his own plantation as an industrial crop and sold the dried straw to the US Navy as rigging material. George Washington also grew hemp by harvesting the fibrous seed for a variety of commercial uses, including skin lotion.

Hemp seeds are nutritious and contain more essential fatty acids than any other source, second only to soybeans for complete protein but first for the human digestive system, high in B vitamins and a good source of dietary fiber. It is used as a food in veggie burgers, salad dressings and pasta, and in animal feed.

Cosmetic manufacturers include hemp oil in makeup, skin lotions, and shampoo. In Europe, hemp is used in household cleaners as a natural alternative to harsher chemicals.

Hemp is a renewable resource that grows faster and easier than trees, making hemp more cost-effective than waiting decades for trees to be used in the production of man-made fibers such as rayon from lyocell and wood pulp. The shell of the hemp stem contains bast fibers, which are among the longest natural soft fibers in the world and are also rich in cellulose. The cellulose and hemi-cellulose in the inner woody core are called hurd. Hemp fiber is longer, stronger, more absorbent and more insulating than cotton fiber.

Hemp produces more pulp per acre than timber on a sustainable basis and can be used for any paper grade. Hemp paper production can reduce wastewater pollution. Hemp's low lignin content reduces the need for acid used in pulping, and its creamy color provides environmentally friendly bleaching instead of harsh chlorine compounds. Less bleaching results in fewer dioxins and fewer chemical byproducts. Hemp fiber paper resists degradation and does not turn yellow as it ages when using an acid-free treatment. Hemp paper is also more recyclable than wood-based paper.

Hemp is an excellent biomass fuel producer, and the hydrocarbons in hemp can be converted into a wide variety of biomass energy sources, from fuel pellets to liquid fuels and gas. The development of biofuels can significantly reduce our consumption of fossil fuels and nuclear energy.

Hemp can be easily grown organically, it has an economic advantage as hemp can be grown mostly without herbicides, fungicides or pesticides. Due to its rapid growth, it also does not require weeding, thus reducing maintenance costs.

Eco-friendly hemp can replace most toxic petrochemical products. Research is being done to use hemp in the manufacture of biodegradable plastic products: plant-based cellophane, recycled plastic mixed with hemp for injection molded products, and resins made from oil are just a few examples.


Hemp can be used to produce a wide range of products, from clothing to paper, building materials, cars, fuels, food products and much more. Some people refer to hemp as a 30,000-use plant because it combines the benefits of soybean, cotton plant, and Douglas Fir tree in one green package. Hemp is an environmental, renewable, reusable and recyclable resource.

  • Hemp Fabrics

Besides the advantages of easy cultivation of hemp, agricultural chemicals are frequently used in cotton production. Hemp bast fibers are one of the longest natural soft fibers. They are longer, stronger, more absorbent, more mold resistant and more insulating than cotton. So hemp keeps you warmer in winter and cooler in summer than cotton. Hemp is more effective at blocking the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. The nature of hemp fibers makes them more absorbent to dyes, which combined with hemp's ability to filter ultraviolet rays better means that hemp material is less prone to fading than cotton fabrics. Like cotton, hemp can be made into a variety of fabrics, including high-quality linen. When mixed with materials such as cotton and linen, hemp provides a stronger, longer-lasting product while maintaining quality and softness. Hemp is environmentally friendly in many ways. It can replace cotton, which requires large amounts of chemicals that are harmful to humans and the environment. Half of the pesticides criticized for being harmful all over the world are used in cotton production. Hemp has a deep root system that helps prevent soil erosion, removes toxins, provides disease relief and aerates the soil for the benefit of future crops.

  • Biodegradable Industrial Products

Because hemp is rich in cellulose, research is being conducted into the use of hemp for the production of biodegradable plastic products. Plant-based cellophane, recycled plastic mixed with hemp for injection molded products, and resins made from hemp oil could one day be produced. BMW uses hemp materials in its cars to make cars more recyclable. Hemp fibers are increasingly used in industry as a substitute for fiberglass. The advantage of replacing fiberglass with hemp is that hemp is lighter, biodegradable and cheaper.

  • Biomass fuels

Hemp is a high yielding fiber crop that produces more biomass per acre than most other crops. As a result, the hydrocarbons in hemp can be used as a renewable, low-polluting alternative to fossil fuels that do not pollute our atmosphere. Hemp is excellent for producing alternative fuels such as biodiesel and ethanol. Hemp can be processed into fuel pellets, liquid fuels and gas and reduce our fossil fuel and nuclear energy consumption. Both seeds and fiber can be used, although the process will vary depending on what you use.

  • Replacement for wooden products

Instead of wood products, hemp offers many more environmentally friendly benefits. Hemp yields three to eight tons of fiber per acre; this value is four times the yield of an average forest. Unlike wood, hemp is low in lignin, which means that hemp can be pulped using fewer chemicals. Many construction products made from wood can now be made from hemp. Beams, struts, posts, oriented particleboard and medium density fiberboard made from hemp will be stronger and lighter due to the long fibers of hemp. Washington State University has produced hemp fiberboard, which has been found to be twice as strong as wood-based fiberboard. Replacing wood fiber with hemp-based products can preserve forests for wildlife habitat, watersheds, recreation areas, oxygen production and carbon removal that reduces global warming.

  • Paper

Paper made from hemp is of high quality, resistant to weathering and will not yellow with age when using an acid-free process. For these reasons, hemp paper is used for Bibles in Europe. A sample of hemp paper more than 1500 years old has been found. In the 1850s, wood pulp paper began to replace hemp. Trees used to be cheap, but now they're disappearing fast. In a 20-year period, one hectare of hemp can produce as much paper as four hectares of forest. Japan still imports most of its wood pulp from tropical rainforests, which are being destroyed at an alarming rate. Hemp paper can be recycled many times more than wood-based paper. Hemp's natural creamy color eliminates the need for chlorine bleach, preventing excess toxic dioxin from spilling into streams. Instead, hemp can be bleached using milder hydrogen peroxide.

  • Body care products

The antimicrobial properties of hemp make it useful for cosmetic and body care products such as shampoos and conditioners, lotions, massage oils, ointments, soaps, skin creams, sunscreen and lip balms. The oil obtained from hemp seeds is known to cure dermatitis and other serious skin diseases. Body Care Products. The antimicrobial properties of hemp make it useful for cosmetic and body care products such as shampoos and conditioners, lotions, massage oils, ointments, soaps, skin creams, sunscreen and lip balms. The oil from hemp seeds is known to cure dermatitis and other serious skin diseases.

  • Pet Foods

Hemp provides healthy protein for pets, from dogs and cats to cows and horses to all varieties of birds and chickens.

  • Detergents

The oil is also made into a naturally biodegradable laundry detergent in our water systems.

  • Art supplies

Hemp is an excellent archival material for use in paintings and books. The most famous paintings are painted with hemp oil on hemp linen. In ancient China, the art of making paper from hemp and mulberry bark was kept a state secret, but eventually the knowledge also reached Japan and Europe through the Arabs. In 1390, the first European factory to turn hemp rags into paper was established. In 1455, Gutenberg printed the first printed book in Europe on hemp paper. Washi, a traditional Japanese paper, is made from hemp and mulberry fiber.

  • Food Products

A wide variety of food products can be made from hemp seeds. They have exceptional nutritional value and are second only to soybeans as a complete source of vegetable protein. But they are longer lasting and more digestible than soybeans. The main protein found in hemp seeds is edestin. Unlike soy, hemp does not need to be cooked or fermented to be digestible.

Filofibra Pazarlama A.Ş.

FILOFIBRA Pazarlama A.Ş. has been providing service to Turkish Textile market in the sale of fiber, yarn and fabric in Istanbul since 1986.


  • Filofibra Pazarlama A.Ş
  • Levent Cad. Sülün Sok. No: 34 1. Levent, Istanbul

  • Tel : +90 212 283 3860/ 9 Hat

  • Fax : +90 212 283 3859
  • Email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Address Abroad

  • Filofibra SA
  • Riva Caccia 1 / A Central Park Bldg. 6900 Lugano / Switzerland
  • Tel - +41 91 985 78 11
  • Fax - +41 91 985 78 08 - 09 - 10
  • Email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.